Crop top Tuxedo

I’ve been trying to figure out how this stuff makes any sense in the first place for years. The methodology on Wikipedia is helpful not but enough for me to figure out how to do it myself on a novel piece of text. The idea is that you have a novel piece of Classical Chinese text, you put in a whole bunch of annotations to swap the word order, and then read it as if it’s a piece of Classical Japanese text, and then translate that into Modern Japanese. That’s a lot of intermediate steps that are just wholly unnecessary. But let us entertain the idea for the moment, as though it’s actually a methodology that works instead of just recognizing that Literary Chinese is a whole ass language unto itself.

Source: 高等学校国語(国語総合古典)漢文入門(訓読の基礎)

The examples listed are all printed vertically. I cannot flip them and maintain both margins of okurigana 送り仮名 so you're just going to have to open the pdf in another tab to see the full thing.

書き下し文 kakioroshi bun How to write a proper Classical Japanese Translation based on these annotations.

  1. Orient your text so it's vertical.
  2. Make your okurigana notations, with particles and verb conjugations in the right margin, and kaeriten in the left margin. By convention, write everything in katakana unless a character represents a joshi or jodoushi; those can be hiragana.
  3. Rewrite your sentence in the correct order.
  4. Remove all the "unpronounceable".
  5. Double check the "double pronounced" particles have their corresponding adverb + jodoushi circumflex. the adverb should remain in kanji.
  6. Rewrite whatever is outstanding in katakana as hiragana.

Introductory example


Quick correction: 鶏 a JP variant character. Let’s swap in the right “chicken”.

寧為雞口無為牛後 ning4 wei2 ji1 kou3 wu2 wei2 niu2 hou4

It is preferable to become the chicken’s mouth; do not become the cow’s behind. 《戰國策·韓策一》Strategies of the Warring states

Then the example starts adding in okurigana in the margins


And the reordering okurigana marks in the other margin.


The result of this produce the following kakioroshi 書き下ろし

= 寧ろ雞口と為るとも牛後と為る無かれ むしろけいこうとなるともぎゅうごとなるなかれ

Better to be the beak of a rooster than the rump of a bull.


better to be the leader of a small group than the subordinate in a large one.

So far, so good, right? Alright, next example.

返り点 kaeriten Return marks

The article lists 5 varieties. 1. ㇾ点 2. 一・二点 3. 上・中・下点 (other variations include 甲・乙・丙 and 天・地・人) 4. Combination 一レor 上レ点 5. ー点 (as in 長音符 not 漢数字)

ㇾ点 means swap with the character directly after.

読書 不好学

Again I need to swap in the proper Traditional Chinese versions of JP variant characters.

讀書 du4 shu1 不好學 bu4 hao3 xue2

becomes 書読 = 書ヲ読ム しょをよむ 

[I] read a document. (This is too common a phrase to track down)

 becomes 學好不 = 学ヲ好マず がくをこのまず

Without the love of learning. (《論語・陽貨篇》Analects of Confucius Book 17 Yang Huo)

一・二点 when you find a 二, skip it, and keep going until you find a 一, then double back to the character marked 二.

借虎威 jie4 hu3 wei1

懸羊頭売狗肉 xuan2 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4

Swapping Japanese variant characters for Traditional Chinese ones... I can't render the okurigana at their proper size. Bear with me while try to use color instead.

虎威 羊頭狗肉

虎威 becomes 虎威借 =虎ノ威ヲ借ル  とらのいをかる

[To] borrow the tiger's majesty. Possibly also from《戰國策·韓策一》Strategies of the Warring states

羊頭狗肉 becomes 羊頭懸狗肉賣

=羊頭ヲ懸ケテ、狗肉ヲ賣ル  ようとうをかけて、くにくをうる

[To] put up a sheep's head and sells dog meat. Possibly from 五燈會元 or 續傳燈錄 volume 31

Note: Other sources say this idiom may use 掲げる instead of 懸ける.


deceptive advertisement, bait and switch, cry wine and sell vinegar.

上・中・下点 are the next size up from 一・二点 so you double back in larger segments. Skip 下 and keep going until you find 上, then double back to 中 if there is one, and then finally to 下.

It appears 下 is usually attached to a main verb where a Chinese sentence is SVO so the main verb is significantly higher than where you would expect for a Japanese sentence.

有能為狗盗者 you3 neng2 wei2 gou3 dao4 zhe3 欲上青天覧日月 yu4 shang4 qing1tian1 lan3 ri4 yue4

need to make another desimplification...

能為狗盗 青天日月

能為狗盗 becomes 能狗盗為者有 = 能ク狗盗ヲ為ス者有リ よくくどうをなすものあり

There is a person who is a skilled cat burglar. From 雞鳴狗盜 by 孟嘗君 Lord Mengchang of Qi

青天日月 becomes 青天上日月覧欲 = 青天ニ上ガリテ日月ヲ覧ムト欲ス せいてんにあがりてじつげつをみむとほっす

I want to ascend in the blue sky and take a good look at the sun and moon. From《宣州謝脁楼餞別校書叔云》by Li Bai 李白. There is an alternate version of this line as well.

Combination 一レor 上レ点 swap with next first, then double back.

従心所欲 cong2 xin1 suo3 yu4

to do as one pleases

勿以悪小為之 wu4 yi3 e3 xiao3 wei2 zhi1

Yet more substitutions...


Becomes 心欲所 Becomes 心欲所從 = 心ノ欲スル所ニ從フ こころのよくするところにしたがふ

[To] follow the place thing which the heart desires


Becomes 惡小之為

Becomes 惡小以之為勿 = 悪ノ小ナルヲ以テ之ヲ為スコト勿カレ あくをしょうなるをもってこれをなすことなかれ

Do not do evil, no matter how small Allegedly a partial quote from 三國志 Record of Three Kingdoms

平定海内 ping2ding4 hai3nei4

And another substitution...

二ー定海內 Becomes 海內平定 =海内ヲ平定ス かいだいをへいていす

[To] conquer the whole country from 《秦楚之際月表》 by Sima Qian 司馬遷

置き字 okiji Unpronounced characters

Okiji are characters fill the responsibilities of grammatical case and particles, conjunctions, adverbs, verb tense and mood, emphasis, etc. Because their use case will be reflected in the inflected okurigana in the right margin, they do not need to be “pronounced” when read aloud.

Three groups of grammatical particles are listed. 1. 於・于・乎 2. 而 3. 焉・矣

於・于・乎 general purpose locative preposition.

These are all effectively に. Edwin Pulleyblank's Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar says that 于 yu2 is closer to the coverb “to go” but eventually 於 yu2 and 于 yu2 overlapped to the point where they became identical. 乎 hu1 is also a locative but it has a different set of uses as a sentence final particle, closer to や (?) or かな (!).

墜於水 zhui4 yu2 shui3 生乎吾前 sheng1 hu1 wu2 qian2

於水 becomes 於水墜 = 水 墜ツ みずにおつ

[His sword] fell in the water. From 呂氏春秋 Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals

吾前 becomes 乎吾前生 =吾ガ前 生マル わがまえにうまる

[He] was born before me. From “Master spoke”《師說》 by 韓愈 Han Yu

而 general purpose conjunction

而 Er2 connects two clauses at the verb. You can just scribble in て after the first verb in most cases.

伏而喜 fu2 er2 xi3

心不在焉視而不見 xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1 shi4 er2 bu4 jian4


[They all] bowed down and rejoiced. From 《朝三暮四》


Becomes 心焉在不視而見不 =心焉在ラざレバ、視レドモ見エず

When the mind is not present, we look without seeing. From the Book of Rights 禮記 Great Learning《大學》

ALSO AS A JUKUGO 心不在焉 “Absent-minded”, “preoccupied”


Now this is where I start calling bullshit. Slide 9 wants me to assume that 焉 and 矣 are emphatic particles. This is naïve at best.

焉 yan1 = 於 yu2 +之 zhi1 where 之 is an object pronoun. This guide makes it seem as though 之 is equivalent to a possessive particle but from what I read in class, 8 times out of 10, it's an object pronoun.

矣 yi3 is perfect aspect. You can pencil in ~けり even though the example sentences on slide 7 don't use it that way.

兮 xi1 I cannot find in Pulleyblank, but says it's an old particle similar to modern 啊. I'd assume it's functionally the same as sentence terminal よ or わ

Everything after this on the pdf is basically a hot mess.

三人行必有我師焉 san1 ren2 xing2 bi4 you3 wo3 shi1 yan1

you have something to learn from everyone From the Analects of Confucius Book 7《論語·述而》

三人行必有我師 Becomes 三人行必我師有 = 三人行ヘバ、必ズ我ガ師有リ

When the three [of us] walk, they shall surely be my teachers

I don't love this translation because it ignores the entire use case for 焉 yan1. In modern Chinese, 焉 means “where” or “how. In classical, it is a contraction of the locative yu2 於 and the object pronoun 之 zhi1. To fix it, I would add “among them” to the tail end of the sentence.

朝聞道夕死可矣 chao2 wen2 dao4, xi1 si3 ke3 yi3

If a man in the morning hear the right way, he may die in the evening without regret. From the Analects of Confucius Book 4 verse 8 《論語・里仁》

I don't love this translation either. Pulleyblank says that 矣 yi3 indicate a verb has perfect aspect, and says it's merely an emphatic particle. English usually represents a perfect aspect with either a past tense verb, but the conditional structure does not allow for 死 to be past tense as it has not happened yet.

朝聞道夕死可 Becomes 朝道聞夕死可矣 =朝ニ道ヲ聞カバ、夕ニ死ストモ可ナリ

When [someone] listens to the [correct] path in the morning, in the evening death has been permitted.

I don't love this either, but at least the 矣 yi3 is compensated for.

再読文字 saidoku moji Characters read twice.

Being pronounced twice is really just a Japanese problem. If you plug in an English adverb you don't need to deal with this nonsense.

  • 未 wei4 never, not yet
  • 将 jiang1 future aspect
  • 且 qie3 moreover
  • 當 dang1 exactly as
  • 應 ying4 ought
  • 須 xu1 must
  • 宜 yi2 should, proper
  • 猶 you2 still, yet, as if
  • 蓋 gai4 probably, for [reason]

These are all characters which would require both an adverb and an auxiliary verb to be represented properly in Japanese. First you read them as the adverb, then you tack the proper auxiliary onto the verb at the end of the clause. The okurigana for the adverb will be on the right side margin, while the jodoushi will be on the bottom left of the same character.

This is such a pain of an exercise I'm not even going to bother with the kaeriten in the write up.

未知生 = 未生ヲ知ラ

老將至 = 老イテ将に至ラント

且飲之 = 且に之ヲ飲マント

及時當勉励 = 時ニ及ンデ当に勉励スべし

應知故郷事 = 応に故郷ノ事ヲ知ルべし

須盡酔 = 須らく酔ヒヲ尽クスべし

宜為王 = 宜しく王為ルべし

過猶不及 = 過ギラルハ猶ほ及バザルガごとし

蓋反其本 = 蓋ぞ其ノ本ニ反ラざる

Particles to render in Hiragana during Kakioroshi

助詞 Joshi

  • 之 zhi1 sometimes it's possessive, but like 80% of the time it's object pronoun
  • 自 zi4・従 cong2 "to follow", from
  • 與 yu3 is either 也乎 or "to accompany"
  • 者 zhe3 = は is super oversimplifying it. This marks subject of a verb. He who verbs.
  • 也 ye3 = predicate. in most cases it's not なり.
  • 耶 ye2 = (?)
  • 邪 ye2 = (?) but it's also not to be confused with xie2 evil
  • 爾 er3 = thus, except when it's the pronoun "you"
  • 已 yi3 = already, or functionally "this is new knowledge for the speaker"
  • 耳 er3 = 而 + 已
  • 矣 yi3 = perfect aspect
  • 乎 hu1, 哉 zai1, 夫 fu2 = (?) or (!) in terminal position only!
  • (夫 fu2 = demonstrative pronoun, in initial position it also introduces a topic with a wider scope than 者 zhe3) (edited)

助動詞 Jodoushi

  • 不 bu4 is ず but you can just cut to the chase and use ない
  • 見 jian4 speaker is the patient of a passive verb.
  • 被 bei4 "receive, undergo, suffer" is used more in modern Chinese to indicate a passive
  • 可 ke3 it's sometimes べし but it's actually a stand alone verb for "permit" leading to its modern usage of "can/may"
  • 如 ru2 ごとし is fine as a stand alone. gets more flavor with a friend. (不如 bu4 ru2 not as good as, 何如 he2 ru2 like what?, 莫如 mo4 ru2 nothing else is like it.)
  • 若 ruo4 i don't think it's so much ごとし as it is 合わせる
  • 也 ye3 see above. It has some more uses I'm not listing.
  • 為 wei2 and wei4 are different. wei2 is a verb to do. wei4 introduces a cause.
  • 使 shi3 "send, employ" , 教 jiao1 "teach" idk why this is here, 令 ling4 "order", 遣 quan2 "dispatch". Other than jiao1, all of these are causative or “suppose if”.

In conclusion: the moment you actually look at Classical Chinese as Chinese instead of weirdly rendered Japanese code, all this shit falls apart.

I'm just thinking about this outline of rules and I'm like, this whole thing falls apart if I gave you my actual chinese homework. 道可道非常道 should be 道は道にあるべかれど常なる道あらず。 but the intermediate steps to get there are wholly unfacilitated by the above processes.

Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 10

These two areas are being grouped together as they are both in “Space” which is a totally separate area from the first 9 areas on “The Surface”.

Rainbow Moon

Gimmick: Wide stages. Some of these might genuinely be easier in couch co-op.

Unlockables: Devilon, Devi-chack'n costume, ??? miniroon costume.


  1. Aim high and shoot up the diagonals to remove the bubbles on the ceiling.
  2. Remove the first row of blanks off the rocks. Then aim strategically so that the blanks link up with the matching color Chack'n.
  3. Beeline those power ups.
  4. There is no room for error. Clear off the yellow column directly below the Chack'ns. Then drop a bomb, and shoot it in the crevice directly under the Chack'ns. The ones you'll need to aim for are usually the ones where there was not a bomb hanging down. If you miss any one of these shots, restart the level.
  5. Brute force works fine.
  6. Time every single shot. There are only change bubbles here.
  7. The pattern is along the diagonal. Try to cut off as much of the first triangle as you can to get to the single yellow bubble holding it up at the far left. Brute force your way through the other triangle. Be careful where you throw your yellows and purples. Only the left triangle has yellow, and only the right triangle has purple.
  9. TIP: do this one with the long pointer first. The stage drops too fast to really note any particular ricochet points.
  10. Clear out enough of the center peak to make your character stop panicking. Then start chipping away at the blanks on the far edges until you can dislodge the cluster from the ceiling.
  11. Very patiently dislodge all the chack'ns off the bottom row. Then brute force your way through the change bubbles until you can get close enough to do the same with the chack'ns on the ceiling.
  12. Beeline the blasters. If you can get a clean shot at the ceiling with one that's dropped off at 3 and 9 o'clock, take it, but be aware that it won't clear the whole stage.
  14. Aim carefully and drop off the ghosts where you can.
  15. 🌶 Aim diagonally to drop the three chack'ns on the right. If you can manage to drop the bomb, awesome. Brute force your way through the blank bubbles to get rid of the supports. Use the bomb to get through the supports if needed and continue shooting until you get through to the chack'ns on the top left. Bomb the two chack'ns on the top right. [MAY NEED REVISION]


  2. ggg
  3. ggg
  4. 444
  5. ggg
  6. ggg
  7. ggg
  8. 555
  9. 555
  10. LATER]

Rainbow Colony

Gimmick: Not only are all of these wide stages, they are also extremely difficult. Definitely bring a couch co-op friend.

  1. Drop the first bomb directly above you. Use it to excavate the first bomb on the far right. Repeat with the second bomb. You should now be close enough to the star bubble to dig it out. Hit it. This might drop the last bomb in the top left. Clean up whatever remains.
  2. Be mindful of the change bubbles to drop as many bombs as you can and throw them at the clusters of supports.
  3. You've seen this level before. Drop the paint bubbles and use them to connect lower clusters to horizontal stripes in rows above.
  4. [COME
  5. BACK
  7. LATER]
  8. 🌶 Use the paint line change bubbles in the bottom row to clear out the first row and then brute force your way to the top.
  10. GGG
  11. GGG
  12. GGG
  13. GGG
  14. GGG
  15. GGG
  16. GGG
  17. GGG
  18. GGG
  19. GGG
  20. LATER]

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 9

Secret Lab

Gimmick: nothing new you haven't seen before.

Unlockables: Katze (VS mode), ??? Chack’n costume, Jellyfish Miniroon costume


  1. Dig as fast as you can to any bomb on the top row. The cascading explosion will clear the stage.
  2. TIP play this level with the long pointer first. This is all trick shots. For the Chack’n on the upper right, aim just above the stripe on the upper part of the frame. For the Chack’n on the upper left, aim for the top corner of the control panel on the bottom part of the right frame. For the middle chack’n, aim a little above the middle stripe on the right side of the frame, about where it intersects with the school of fish.
  3. Careful timing and brute force.
  4. Whatever works as long as the blasters are facing internally. Clean up the stragglers as need be.
  5. Drop the lower paint bubble on the right to get the chain of pink time + bubbles. Repeat on the left to minimize the number of time – bubbles you pick up when clearing the rock. Drop either of the paint bubbles up top when it is yellow and absorb the bare minimum of time – bubbles clearing off the rock.
  6. Brute force works fine.
  7. Hit the paint line bubbles then brute force your way to the top until you can hit the other pair of paint line bubbles to drop everything below.
  8. TIP play this with the long pointer first. This one is pretty straight forward except for one final ricochet off the left wall.
  9. Throw any two colors straight up at the star bubbles. I recommend NOT pink. What remains is a lattice structure. Aim as high as you can to drop off what remains.
  10. Time your shots with the change bubbles to drop the planks. Once you get to the 4th row of planks, it’s smooth sailing.
  11. Hit the blasters in the bottom row to open a channel toward the blasters near the middle. Now hit a guide bubble. With the long pointer, line up the blaster to point toward the bombs on the ceiling. If any one of these blasters misfires, restart the stage.
  12. Hit the Pink paint bubble on the far left with a Pink bubble to pop the pink chain. Hit the Yellow bubble on the left with a Yellow bubble to pop the yellow chain. Hit the Pink paint bubble directly above the center with NOT PINK then the blue paint bubbles in the center and far right with NOT BLUE. Be careful NOT to hit the far right pink paint bubble. Pop the blue chain.
  13. Brute force works fine.
  14. Brute force works pretty well. Hut the paint line bubbles as they appear.
  15. Aim carefully and drop the ghosts.


  1. Drop the star bubble. Dig out one bubble in the mass on the left so that when you shoot the star bubble it hits 4 colors. There should be two stragglers on the ceiling. Finish these off manually.
  2. TIP: Try this level with the long pointer first. Use the paint bubbles to hit the Time + bubbles on the far left. Ricochet additional bubbles off the left wall slightly below the band on the frame to hit Green Chack'n. Clear out some more bubbles and then shoot 1 bubble height below the band on the left frame to hit the Yellow Chack'n. Upper Blue Chack'n should now be available to pop. Ricochet that off the ceiling and down. Lower Blue Chack'n should be available to hit from the left side. Finally, you should have enough time left in the timer to pop the Pink Chack'n without incurring a time penalty. Don't hit the paint bubble when it is pink, blue, or purple.
  3. 🌶️Dig up the side toward the Star bubble. If you can drop it, awesome. In the more likely scenario where you cannot, just hit it as soon as you can and try to brute force your way through the rest as quickly as you can.
  4. 🌶️Hit as many change bubbles as you can to stabilize them before hitting the paint bubbles. Once you can no longer reach paint bubbles, use careful timing to eliminate as many as you can as you dig for the other paint bubbles.
  5. Pop the Blue, Green, Purple that make up the arrow's fletching. Drop the paint line bubble. Hit the guide bubble. Shoot the paint line bubble at the very end of the arrow so it paints the line above the bomb. Hit the star bubble with the matching color to drop the bomb. Shoot the bomb in the crevice of the third rock from the ceiling to free the last three Chack'ns.
  6. Clean off the supports as quickly as possible.
  7. 🌶️ Drop the blaster at 2 and 8 o'clock. Dig through at least 4 rows on a diagonal that will reach a bomb. Shoot the blaster to hit the bomb. This will cascade detonate all the bombs and drop the star bubble. Shoot the star bubble so it hits at least 3 colors. Manually clean up what remains.
  8. TIP play this level with the long pointer first. To hit Green Chack'n, align the pointer with the right edge of oval containing the stage name. To hit Pink Chack'n, align the pointer with the blue pipe in the center of the background image. To hit the Blue Chack'n, align the pointer with the band holding up the control panel on right side of the frame. Hold this position to hit Orange Chack'n. Alternatively, look for the dent in the pipe on the right side of the frame about half way between the control panel and the band above it. To hit the Yellow Chack'n, aim for the center of the red bracket pipe on the left side.
  9. 🌶️ Brute force, and be careful not to hit the ghosts. If you can drop the blasters, awesome. In the more likely scenario that you cannot, just make sure to hit them at 3 and 9 o'clock position.
  10. 🌶️ [COME BACK TO THIS]

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 8

Wizard's Cave

Gimmick: Trick shots, change bubbles. GENERAL TIP: play all of these levels with the long pointer until you can get acclimated to the angles required for all these ricochet shots.

Unlockables: Bonner (VS Mode), Wizard Chack’n costume, ??? Miniroon costume.


  1. Bounce stuff off the walls and try not to make extra work for yourself.
  2. Hit either of the blasters when they are pointed inward so you can fast track exploding the two bombs at the top.
  3. Point toward the wall. Try to drop a bomb, then shoot it to release the bubble on the ceiling. Repeat. If you’re lucky you won’t need to clean up any bubbles manually after.
  4. Drop the star bubble. Shoot it somewhere where it will hit 3 colors at once. The resulting cascade should leave you with 4 last clusters to pop on the ceiling.
  5. Shoot carefully to get around the ghosts and pop the bubbles hanging from the ceiling.
  6. Aim for the intersections and time your shots to dig to the ceiling.
  7. Break the bomb. Brute force to the ceiling. If you can drop the blaster at 3 and 9 o’clock, do so, and shoot it at the ceiling. Finish off what remains.
  8. Time your shots to match the change bubbles to the existing normal bubbles to clear the supports quickly.
  9. Beeline the paint bubbles first, paint line bubbles second to clear the supports.
  10. Drop the Blue, Yellow and Pink paint bubbles to clear out the lower supports. If you can drop the Orange and Purple paint bubbles too, use them. If not, just clean out the middle manually and pop the paint bubbles with their matching colors when you have a clear shot.
  11. Carefully drop the first row of ghosts. Once they’re down, go for the second. You should not need to drop the third. There’s enough space to free the Chack’ns now if you continue to aim carefully.
  13. Aim for the intersections and don’t hit the Time – bubbles to drop or pop the chack’ns.
  14. Prioritize dropping whichever plank is lowest. Once it is gone, focus on removing the support it was attached to.
  15. Drop the star bubble. Shoot it at an intersection to remove at least 3 colors. Clean up the remains manually.



  1. Ggg
  2. Ggg
  3. Ggg
  4. Ggg
  5. Ggg
  6. Ggg
  7. Ggg
  8. Ggg
  9. Ggg
  10. Ggg

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 7

Rainbow Forest

Gimmick: Timers on everything. Time +, Time – bubbles. Hit the Time + bubbles when you see them. If the bubbles drop off a larger cluster, the additional 10 seconds are not added to the timer. The same is true for the Time – bubbles.

Unlockables: Hootwit (VS mode), Hunter Chack'n costume, ??? Miniroon costume.


  1. Hit the Time + bubbles. Clean off the supports to hit the Chack'ns on the ceiling.
  2. Hit the Time + bubbles.
  3. Aim high to the intersections where a lone bubble is holding up a whole cluster. Brute force your way to the top.
  4. Shoot the Time – bubbles off the supports enough to shoot at the Chack'ns.
  5. Carefully shoot the normal bubbles off the supports without hitting the Time – bubbles. There is enough time in the timer for you to mess up once.
  6. More careful shooting. Hit the Time + bubbles immediately within reach, then start picking off clusters near the intersections.
  7. Clear off the supports and the change bubbles strung from the ceiling. This one is relatively straight forward, just obnoxious with the time limit.
  8. Break through the blanks on the left to hit every time + bubble you can before picking off the right side.
  9. Pick off one blue paint bubble. Aim it to ricochet off the wall and hit approximately where the one normal pink bubble is above the Chack'n. Pick off the other blue paint bubble and destroy the support. Ricochet off the other wall to the same spot. Now free Chack'n with a normal pink bubble. If you have done this incorrectly, you can use the pink paint bubbles to fix your error. This stage is surprisingly forgiving in that regard. Freeing chack'n will NOT count if you hit too many Time – bubbles in the process. You must have time left in the timer to clear the stage. TIP: try this stage with the long pointer first before 3 staring it.
  10. Hit the guide bubble. Then clear the rest of the stage. You shouldn't need the Time + bubbles, as you ought to be able to clear the whole level before the guide runs out.
  11. There is just barely enough time in the timer to mess up once. Shoot diagonally up the sides enough to ricochet behind the row of pink Time – bubbles and free the Chack'ns.
  12. Clear out enough of the first row of chack'ns to shoot diagonally through the change bubbles and hit the two Time + bubbles. Then brute force your way to the top.
  13. Carefully hit whatever Time + bubbles you can in the first two rows. Then clear out the Chack'ns up top without hitting the Time – bubbles hanging off the third horizontal support. When you can no longer get around it, time your hits so the change bubbles are pink and drop off the Time – bubbles until you can get that last Chack'n in the upper left.
  14. Aim extremely carefully. Use green or yellow to go up the right side. Clean the right side out entirely if you can. On the left side, use as much orange as you can. You can use green for the first two rows then use orange ONLY for the next four rows, until it is safe to switch back to also using yellow. If you clear off the right side first, you can use it to store all your unnecessary yellow bubbles.
  15. Take your time, and do NOT hit the Time – bubbles. You can drop the paint bubbles for use in the last third of the level.


  1. Beeline the paint bubbles. Some of them require digging out around them before you can line up the shot.
  2. Hit the first guide bubble. Hit all the paint line bubbles with blue bubbles to clean out the plank blocks. Hit the second guide bubble. Make sure you hit the paint line bubble on the ceiling before you finish off the top left.
  3. Get the paint bubbles to do as much work for you as you can make them to clear off supports quickly.
  4. Clear the planks by shooting a blaster at 3 and 9 o’clock directly under the top left peak. Use whatever blasters you have left after that to clear as many of the change bubbles as you can to get to the chack’ns in the corners.
  6. Hit the two paint change bubbles directly above your pointer. Move your pointer to about 70 degrees left and right to ricochet a bubble off the wall and hit the paint line bubbles. With the first two supports now mostly cleared, hit the paint change bubbles most directly in reach. Also hit the paint change line bubbles near the center top. Aim towards the top of the mushroom cap on the left and the toadstool growing out of the ceiling frame on the right to ricochet onto the remaining paint change bubbles on the back of the second row of supports. Aim for the pink toadstool on the left and the yellow toadstool on the right to ricochet off the wall toward the final paint line change bubbles on the ceiling. Clean off the remaining supports manually.
  7. Aim directly up (hit up on the D-pad) to buy all the time you can with the Time + bubbles. Then work your way up the blue and green diagonals.
  8. Your character will spend most of this level panicking. Aim up to the right between the ghosts until you can hit the bomb on the top right ceiling. Work carefully off the wall toward the center bomb. There is a very low chance the star bubble will not be caught in the explosion. Continue working your way left across the ceiling until you hit the top left bomb.
  9. Do what you want with the first two blasters. Shoot directly up the far left opening until you can get to the blaster at the top left. Hit that at 3 and 9 o’clock. Following the lattice pattern, carve your way through the middle until you can hit the top right blaster at 3 and 9 o’clock. Keep digging until you can hit the center blaster.
  10. Shoot diagonally toward the yellow chack’n with a Time + bubble, and toward the pink chacn’n with a time + bubble until you have the walls cleared. Don’t hit the green and blue chack’ns; let them drop. Hit the green and blue time + bubbles carefully (3 of each). Once you have hit every time + bubble on the board you should be able to get the pink and yellow without suffering a time penalty.

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 6

Rainbow Castle

Gimmick: Barron von Blubba (ghosts)

Unlockables: Boris (VS mode), Miniroon Knight costume, ??? Chack'n costume


  1. Aim for the bubbles holding the planks up to drop the Chack'ns.
  2. Beeline the paint line bubbles.
  3. Hit the bubbles connecting the supports, only.
  4. Aim carefully to hit the bubbles connecting the supports and drop the ghosts until you can pop the purple and yellow ones on the ceiling.
  5. Aim directly at the lowest bomb on the Left. It will cascade explode all the other bombs and clear the level.
  6. Brute force is fine.
  7. Carefully drop and aim each bomb at the ghosts. If you have any left over, aim them straight up to deal with the triangular cluster of bubbles you will need to take care of manually.
  8. Drop the paint bubbles in the lower corners and shoot them straight up at the cluster in the center. Keep digging until you hit the paint bubbles in the center. Finish off the top of the cluster with the paint bubbles from the upper corners.
  9. Drop each bomb and shoot it at the cluster of ghosts until you can dig out both pink Chack'ns.
  10. Do what you can to avoid putting orange on the field until you can remove the entire row at the very top. Hit the paint bubbles to clear out as much as possible, and clean up the rest manually.
  11. Brute force is fine.
  12. Try to use all the paint bubbles on one side to clear out as much of the center cluster as possible, then switch to the other color. Clean up the remainder manually.
  14. Use the guide bubbles and aim with extreme caution.
  15. Use the change bubbles to drop off sections near the ghosts. Work carefully around the ghosts until you can drop them all off.


  1. Carefully drop the bombs to blow up the ghosts. If any remain, aim with extreme caution to remove the left over normal bubbles.
  2. Beeline the paint and paint line bubbles.
  3. This is set up a lot like previous levels but is too wide to be manageable. The lower pairs of yellow and purple Chack'ns on the far left and far right can be ignored. Concentrate on getting the mid level blue and green chack'ns out, by shooting the long green and blue lines, and then up the chute if you can manage. This drops off the chack'ns which are otherwise not accessible. If you have the ricochet skills you can blow out the top layer of chutes and get the remaining 4 pairs of chack'ns that way. However, it is easier it just dig them out manually.
  4. Beelining for the blasters is a safe bet. Keep shooting diagonally until the ghosts start dropping off.
  5. This stage has no room for error. Get rid of the purple-blue purple row at the very bottom. Carefully drop off the yellow paint bubble and color the blue Chack'n yellow, then pop it. An orange paint bubble will drop off. Shoot that upward to color the lower three purple bubbles. Break the horizontal orange row, then the purple row. On the left side stage frame, count 2 rows of brickwork up from the Danger Line to ricochet a bubble to the orange paint bubble near the very top. Finally free the chack'n trapped between the rocks.
  6. 🌶 [COME BACK
  8. Prioritize hitting the purple paint line bubble on the right to clear the support, the orange one on the right to clear a line, the green one for the second support, and the pink and yellow ones at the very top. You can beeline the pink and yellow paint line bubbles but don’t forget about the support clusters.
  9. Try to focus on the left side and shoot up along the diagonal until you get to the top. Be careful where you place the oranges until the third stripe is open.
  10. Shoot carefully between the ghosts diagonally up to the left and right. The pinks in the thurd row from the top should drop most of the ghosts further below. Then clear out the top two rows.

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 5

Rainbow Library

Gimmick: Paint line, change, paint line change

Unlockables: Liber (VS mode), Studious Chack'n costume, Scholar Miniroon costume.


  1. Hit the paint line bubbles with their matching colors.
  2. Same as 1.
  3. Hit the guide bubble. Peel off the paint line bubbles one by one until the whole thing is pink. Pop the chain to clear out all the supports. Rescue chack'n, forget the rest.
  4. Drop the bombs, then shoot them directly below the center Chack'ns on either side.
  5. Time change bubbles directly above the pointer to open the star bubble. Get rid of any one color, then beeline toward the remaining supports on either side.
  6. Hit the paint line change bubbles with their corresponding colors.
  7. DO NOT DROP THE PAINT LINE BUBBLES. Hit them in order from bottom to top to clear the Chack'ns off their supports.
  8. Counting from the bottom up, there are 4 clusters and 6 paint line change bubbles. Best case is you color the top and bottom of the cluster on the support block to the left and right the same color as the bubbles in the middle of the cluster. If you miss, it's obnoxious to recover from but it can be done. Hit paint line change bubbles 1 and 2 as either Blue or Yellow (if you can time it so they match, even better). Clean off cluster 1. Hit paint line change bubble 3 as either yellow or purple. Clean off cluster 2. Hit paint line change bubble 4 as either blue or orange. Clean off cluster 3. Hit paint line change bubble 5 and 6 as either purple or orange. Clean off cluster 4.
  9. Beeline the paint change and paint line change bubbles. Clean out the rest manually.
  10. Carefully drop the bomb. Once you have it, press up on the D-pad to aim straight up at the blue chack'k. It should get all three in the blast radius. TIP: This one is easiest in 1 Player mode.
  11. Brute force and good timing gets through this one easily. Aim for the corners of each diamond to drop the most change bubbles per shot.
  12. WIDE STAGE Use the guide bubble whenever you feel like. Focus on removing the blanks from the supports until you can get to the ceiling.
  13. Use the paint bubbles you can reach before the bombs if possible. There are too many support bubbles, so don't count on them dropping
  14. WIDE STAGE Beeline for the paint line bubbles.
  15. Aim the paint bubbles at the supports in the center of the stage. Pick off the clusters around the supports as well as the large blue and pink clusters near the top. This should leave you enough time to do the ceiling manually if you drop too many paint/paint line bubbles before you can fully utilize them.


  1. Carefully ricochet everything off the ceiling.
  2. Beeline the bomb, then the green paint bubble. Finish off the top manually.
  3. Use the paint line bubbles to make your life easier. Just aim for clearing off the supports.
  4. WIDE STAGE Don't particularly bother trying to drop the special bubbles. Just brute force your way to the top. Your character will spend much of the time panicking.
  5. 🌶 Most of this level is change bubbles so the star bubble does not really matter much unless you can somehow drop it, which is highly unlikely. Time your shots to match the color you have and brute force your way to the top.
  6. WIDE STAGE If you can get the angle right, shoot up the chute between the bubbles to hit the Chack'ns. If you cannot, peel off the stripes until you can. TIP: Try this stage with the long pointer first.
  7. Drop the bombs to break open the supports caging in the rest of the bubbles. The paint line bubbles are not particularly helpful but do not hurt overall.
  8. Drop the bombs to break the triangles of support bubbles to make clearing bubbles easier.
  9. 🌶 WIDE STAGE Drop whatever blasters you can at 3 & 9 o'clock orientation. You'll need to clear much of this stage manually. As you beeline the blasters, do not forget to shoot diagonally to drop off the sides.
  10. [COME BACK TO THIS] Back to top

Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 4

Rainbow Factory

Gimmick: Timer, Blaster, paint change bubble.

Unlockables: Packy (VS mode), Robo Chack'n costume, Miniroon racer costume.


  1. Brute force is fine.
  2. Hit the blasters when they are exactly parallel (3 & 9 o'clock).
  3. Hit the lower left blaster at 3 & 9 o'clock. Hit the upper blaster when it rotates to 10 & 4 o'clock, so it removes everything attached to the support on the lower right.
  4. You will be given 4 blasters to get through this level. You only need 3 blasters to win. Drop the first blaster at 3 & 9 o'clock, then hit up on your D-pad to shoot it straight up. You will lose the second blaster. Carefully drop the third blaster only at 10 & 4 o'clock and remove the left side, and the fourth blaster at 2 & 8 o'clock to remove the right side.
  5. Time your shot so the paint change bubble is the same color as the one you're shooting.
  6. Same as 5. You might need to clean up a support or two manually at the end.
  7. Aim to the right about 30 degrees. Clean through the entire right wall and as much of the ceiling as you can. You need to ricochet the off the wall and then ceiling to hit the paint bubble in the middle.
  8. Ignore the planks. Clear off the support bubbles until you can get to the ceiling.
  9. There are many ways to solve this. Brute force works fine. hit the bottom most blaster at an angle (10 & 4 or 2 & 8) when the other blasters are parallel (3 & 9) and drop the paint bubbles to clean up what remains.
  10. Hit the bottom two blasters at an angle to open up the second tier of bubbles. If you can drop either the third or 4th blaster at 3 & 9, awesome. If not, just hit it at 3 & 9, and use the remaining blank bubbles to manually clean out the Chack'ns at the top.
  11. The most important thing to do here is drop the planks. aim for the corner bubbles holding them up. Once those are out of the way, keep firing until you hit the Chack'ns in the matching colors.
  12. A combination of brute force and careful timing will carry you through this stage. Your playable character will spend much of the time in a panicked state.
  13. When you pop the yellow, orange and blue clusters, make sure the resulting paint bubbles are all the same color. I recommend blue. Fire one directly up. Fire the second one between the orange and yellow bubbles on the left, and the same on the right. Then pop the entire cluster.
  14. Carefully peel off the paint bubbles on the left side one stripe at a time. If you don't have the right color, shoot directly up so the unneeded bubble bounces off the ceiling. You can easily hit the yellow bubble hanging off the ceiling with a paint bubble. Aim high and tear off as much as you can with each successive bubble until you can paint the last cluster including the orange bubble on the top right.
  15. WIDE STAGE Dig until you open a blaster. Hit the blaster when it is parallel. Due to how wide the stage is, the blaster won't be able to extend all the way to both ends of the stage. If you hit the blaster on an angle, it is not the end of the world. Just be quick and dig your way to the top.


  1. Clear out the bottom of the hexagon. This will buy you some time to clean out the lower sides. Like endless mode, the less you need to move the pointer, the faster you can clean these out. Go up the sides until you can safely ricochet off the wall to clear out the top half of the stage. To reach the top half you want to be at around a 45 degree angle. Be careful not to get bubbles stuck on the planks creating more work for yourself.
  2. Drop the star bubble with a yellow. Clean out the one blue bubble. Shoot the star bubble where the blue bubbles were so you hit all 4 remaining colors simultaneously.
  3. Dig through the blanks until you can hit the paint bubbles. Clean off the top manually.
  4. Hit the paint bubbles, even when they don't paint anything advantageous. Cleaning off the supports is more important.
  6. TIP: Complete this level with the long pointer first before you try to 3 star it. First, get your character to stop panicking by shooting the diamond clusters of bubbles off the bottom row of rocks at the corners. Now shoot at a 30 degree angle, aiming directly to the left of the rock on the top row to hit the green Chack'n dead on. Do the same on the far right for the blue Chack'n. For the ones in the middle, imagine a straight line going through the cog wheels in the background. Draw a line through the center of those cog wheels to the pipes framing the stage—this spot is at the same level as the rocks in the bottom row. Drop your pointer to about 60 degrees to hit that spot. Shoot to the left. Your bubbles will bounce right until they hit the band of the release valve near the top right pipe—this spot is at the same level as the rocks in the top row. Then the bubbles will bounce off the ceiling to directly on top of the rocks in the top row. Keep shooting until you free orange Chack'n. Now rotate your pointer to the right and keep shooting until purple Chack'n is free.
  7. Carefully peel off each paint bubble so they're all the same color. Paint the chack'ns the same color. You want to hit the rock in between the chack'ns to guarantee you'll paint two in the same burst. When they're all painted, hit the star bubble. There is almost no room for forgiveness in this stage so aim very carefully.
  8. WIDE STAGE Time your shots to match the paint bubbles. It helps make clean up faster. Brute force should get you through the rest.
  9. This stage has no room for error. If you mess up one of these blaster drops, restart. The idea is to drop one blaster at each of its different angles to remove all the bubbles from the inside of the rocks. You need one at 10 & 4 o'clock, one at 2 & 8 o'clock, and one 3 & 9 o'clock. If you mess this up, restart the level. There are three guide bubbles and three blasters. Imagine them labeled from left to right. Hit guide bubble 2 to knock it out of the way. Drop blaster 1 at 10 & 4 o'clock. Shoot this blaster in the space where guide bubble 2 was. Hit guide bubble 3 to knock it out of the way. Drop blaster 2 at 2 & 8 o'clock. Shoot this blaster in the space where the guide bubble 3 was. Angle your pointer to the right and drop blaster 3 at 3 & 9 o'clock. Angle your pointer to hit in between the rocks so you can remove the bubbles at the top inside the rocks. If you've managed to do this all in under 30 seconds, drop guide bubble 1 for a stage clear.
  10. 🌶 WIDE STAGE This stage is too wide for you to just brute force your way to the top. Clear what you can and peel off the paint bubbles one at a time to clean off what you cannot. It'll be tight.

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 3

Rainbow Town

Gimmick: Paint bubbles, change bubbles, rocks.

Unlockables: Woolen (VS mode), Sheep Chack'n costume, Sheep Miniroon costume.


  1. Hit the paint bubbles with the matching colors.
  2. Same as 1.
  3. Same as 1.
  4. Time your shots to match the same color as the change bubbles.
  5. Aim high to ricochet a bubble to the pink Chack'n at the very top.
  6. Aim for the intersections with the change bubbles to drop off the rest.
  7. Shoot carefully at the corners of the change bubble hexagons to get to the top as quickly as you can.
  8. Brute force and the star bubble.
  9. Drop the paint bubbles and shoot them at the supports.
  10. Hit the bomb. Hit the pink paint bubble. Finish off the lower left rock manually.
  11. Brute force works fine. Be careful not to make more work for yourself with the rocks.
  12. Brute force works fine.
  13. Use the Purple paint bubble to reach the first stripe. Use the Blue paint bubble in the top right, and the Orange paint bubble in the top left.
  14. Hit the middle bomb. Drop the left bomb to remove the left support, then the right bomb to the right.
  15. Wide Stage  Use the paint bubbles to reach the horrizontal stripes until you get to the top.


  1. Aim carefully to get around the rocks. There is very little room for error. You might get screwed over by RNG a few times before you manage to clear it.
  2. Aim carefully to paint the whole track of bubbles between the rocks pink. It's a lot less forgiving than the last time.
  3. 🌶 Hit the star bubble then brute force your way through the remaining pattern until all the supports clear. You'll need to ricochet most of your shots.
  4. Brute force works fine.
  5. WIDE STAGE Hit all the paint bubbles and you'll be fine.
  6. More rocks. Aim carefully off the walls and you should be fine.
  7. Brute force works fine. The paint bubbles are merely helpful.
  8. WIDE STAGE Dropping the bombs in the middle will help take care of the clutter on the sides. Try to time your aim with the change bubbles.
  9. More rocks. Wall bounce very carefully.
  10. 🌶 Brute force and careful timing on the change bubbles. That's all there is to this one.

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Puzzle Bobble Everybubble Strategy Guide—Part 2

Miniroon Park

Gimmicks: Plank and Support. Clear all.

Unlockables: Miniroon (VS mode), Miss Chack'n costume, Chick Miniroon costume.


  1. Brute force will work fine.
  2. Same as 1.
  3. Same as 1.
  4. Use the bomb to blow a hole in the first cavity. Clear it out. Use another bomb to ricochet into the second cavity and clear it out.
  5. Use the first star bubbles to get rid of the pink. The second star bubble should drop. Use the second star bubble to remove the blue.
  6. Use the guide.
  7. Same as 6.
  8. Same as 1.
  9. Same as 1.
  10. Clean off the supports.
  11. Use the bombs to destroy the supports.
  12. Brute force. Make sure to get the two rows of greens on the sides to drop off the planks before they hit the danger line.
  13. Same as 6.
  14. Shoot diagonally to get around the planks until you can start hitting the bubbles on the ceiling. Brute force should work fine.
  15. Clear what you can in the middle. Drop the bombs and shoot them through the middle as much as you can. Clear out the rest manually.


  1. Use the bombs to remove as many supports as you can.
  2. Hit the intersections to get rid of the planks.
  3. Take advantage of the stripe pattern to removed the blanks around the supports.
  4. Brute force.
  5. Clear the anchors. You will need to ricochet off the sides, and possibly the ceiling.
  6. 🌶 Drop the bombs off carefully to bomb your way to the Chack'ns in the top left corner.
  7. Same as Rainbow Village Normal Stage 8. You will need to ricochet to hit the Chack'ns in the top half of the screen.
  8. Match the blanks near the Chack'ns.
  9. Use the guides.
  10. 🌶 WIDE STAGE Aim high. Match the blanks near the Chack'ns.