Daybreak Cookbook

A compilation of all the foods Falcom bothered to make assets for

Table of Contents


Fig and Honey Tart


Tart Dough 1-¼ to 1-½ c flour ½ c powdered sugar (OR ¼ c sugar) 1 stick (½ c) butter, cold, diced 1-2 eggs ¼ tsp salt 1 TBSP ice water (if dough too dry)

Combine flour, powdered sugar, butter, salt to make tart dough. add eggs last. if it still needs more moisture, add some water. form a disc, wrap in plastic, then refrigerate 30 min – 2 hrs.

On a well floured work surface, roll out about 12” (30 cm) wide, 3 mm thick. Roll dough onto you rolling pin to transfer into well lubricated baking vessel. Fork it. Put it in the fridge for 15 minutes. Blind bake 400 F for 12-15 mins. Then let cool to room temperature.

Filling attempt A—Honey Mascarpone for the cheapskate 16 oz cream cheese 1 tsp lemon zest 1/3 c honey 1 tsp vanilla up to 2 lb figs, cut in quarters Almonds or some other nuts (optional)

Combine cream cheese, lemon zest, honey, vanilla. Fill tart with this mixture, then even out. Press the figs into the cheese mixture, and nuts if you feel like it. Chill for another few minutes. Bone apple teeth.

Filling attempt B—Frangipane/Almond Custard Cream style 6 TBSP (¾ stick) Butter 1/3 c Sugar 3 Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla, Almond extracts 1-¼ almond meal (OR ¾ c flour + 1-½ c almond meal) 6 figs, halved ¼ c Almonds or other nuts 4 TBSP Honey

Cream butter and sugar. Add the Vanilla (and almond) extracts. Incorporate eggs one at a time. Fold in almond meal and flour last. Spoon (or pipe) mixture into the tart shell. Press figs into the top and add more nuts. Bake at 350 F for 50-60 minutes, until a cake tester comes out clean. Top with honey and whipped cream.

You could potentially make a honey glaze here if the figs aren't overpoweringly sweet already.

¼ c Honey 1 TBSP Brown Sugar 1 TBSP Butter, melted

Bon appétit !

Buckwheat Galette

orange and black currant vegetable smoked salmon fruit caramel and ice cream

Soba noodles (80% buckwheat, 20% wheat) with shrimp sauce

There are a couple different ways to do this.

There's no harm in buying noodles at the asian market. Making pasta from scratch is an all day process. For the noodle sauce, mentsuyu there are options.

This is the most direct method of shrimp sauce I could piece together


5 Shrimp shells 20 g Konbu 1 TBSP store bough Dashi granules 500 ml Water Light soy sauce and additional salt to taste

In a dry pan, fry the shrimp shells. Once they have some color, add the water, konbu, dashi, and simmer on low heat.

For a slightly more labor intense version, try this


For the Dashi 20 g Konbu 20 g Bonito flakes (in a tea bag or some other filter for easy removal) 575 ml water

For the Shrimp infusion 250 g Shrimp, as fresh as you can get them 500 ml Water 150 ml Dashi (above) 150 ml Light Soy sauce 90 g or less demerara sugar (light brown sugar should work too. you want something dark for color since the sweetness of mentsuyu normally comes from saké + mirin, which are both absent in this recipe)

Put 575 ml water and konbu in a pot, and put on high heat. After about 7 minutes, remove the scum. Cover with a drop lid and simmer on low heat for 3 more minutes. Turn off the stove, and let sit for 30 minutes. Remove the Konbu. Bring back to a boil, then turn down to a simmer, and add the bonito flakes. Submerge for about 1 minute, then turn off the stove. Leave the bonito flake bag submerged for another 2-3 minutes, then remove. DO NOT SQUEEZE. If there are any additional bubbles or scum, remove those as well. Set aside 150 ml for the shrimp infusion. Package the rest of this dashi in either a bottle or ice cube trays.

Wash the shrimp thoroughly, several times if need be. Add the washed shrimp, 500 ml water, and 150 ml dashi from above to a pot, and bring to a boil. Cook for about 2 minutes. Remove any sediment. If you have any shrimp shells, add them now, along with 150 ml light soy sauce and 90 g sugar. Bring to medium heat, and boil for 3 minutes. Remove any scum, then remove from heat, cool and strain.

And now for some Noodles...



200 g All purpose flour 800 g buckwheat flour 400? ml water (about 40%, but this may be subject to change) 

Sift both flours into a large bowl. Mix well. Make a well in the middle of the flour and pour 2/3 of the water. Push the flour at the edges of the bowl toward the center so it floats atop the pool of water, then rake with your hands to spread the water through the flour. Once the water is absorbed, add the rest of the water in 1-2 more gradual infusions. The important part is to mix well. DO NOT OVERHYDRATE THE DOUGH. The dough should start clumping. When it is well hydrated you should be able to bend it slightly. Keep working the dough until you can form a log. Make an indentation around the center of the log, then start kneading the log gradually from one end to the other. Repeat several times. Knead into a ball. Roll that ball into a cone. Compress the point into a disc.

Lightly flour both sides of the disk, and spread it out evenly with the heel of your hand. For 1 kg of dough, try to make a 40 cm disc. Now break out the rolling pin. Sprinkle a line of flour down the center of the disc and roll it onto the rolling pin. Keep rolling to give the dough additional length. Repeat in the opposite direction. You should end up with a square. Unroll the whole square and try to even out the overall thickness across the whole piece of dough. (The artisan in this video doesn't give you a final thickness to aim for. He's been doing this so long he can measure with his bare hands. I'm guessing 3 mm but cannot swear). When you're done rolling the dough out to final thickness, thoroughly flour half the surface, and fold the rest of the dough over itself. Flour some more and fold in thirds in the opposite direction. Flour the raw top of the dough, and your cutting board. Cut the noodles.Grab them by the clump, cut one end off to make the noodles even length, shake the excess flour out, and put on a parchment lined tray to dry until you are ready to cook them.

Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. DO NOT SALT THE WATER. When the water boils, bring it down to medium heat. Loosen the noodle strands as you put them into the water. Stir occasionally to make sure the noodles don't stick together. Depending on how thick they are cut, boil anywhere from 2-5 minutes (or per package directions). Drain immediately. Cold shock them with running water. You may need to rinse several times with cold or ice water to completely halt the cooking process. Drain completely and serve. The noodles should be cold enough you can plate them with your bare hands.

To serve: Plate the noodles by themselves. Garnish with shredded nori. In a small bowl, combine 1 part mentsuyu to 2 parts water. Drop in some chopped scallions or wasabi for extra flavor.

Meshiagare (召し上がれ)!

Additional sources:

Milk Gelato


4 Egg yolks (find some other use for the leftover egg whites) ¾ c Sugar 1-½ c Milk (whole or the highest fat percentage you can get) 1 c Heavy cream Lemon zest or Vanilla extract or other Flavoring

Cream egg yolks and sugar. Pour into sauce pan (A). In a separate sauce pan (B), pour the milk only. Bring to just under a boil, and let simmer for 5 minutes. If you have a thermometer, check that the temperature remains at about 85°C (185 F). DO NOT LET IT BOIL. The point is to pasteurize the ingredients, not make scrambled eggs! Pour B into A very slowly to pasteurize the eggs, whisking constantly while incorporating. If you want to add flavoring, do so now. Heat BUT NOT BOIL for another 5 minutes.
Remove from heat. Add the heavy cream and mix well. The mixture should now be luke warm.

If you have an ice cream maker, you can use that now. Otherwise...

Pour the mixture into a container, and place in the freezer for 5 hours. Every 30 minutes, remove from the freezer and whip for 30 seconds to break up the ice crystals. If you don't do this, you'll just wind up with hard serve ice cream.

Buon appetito!


Sān​bùzhān (三不粘)


2 Eggs, separated (find some other use for the leftover egg whites) 15 g sugar 20 g tapioca starch 80 g water 2 TBSP oil

Whisk Egg yolks together. Add sugar and tapioca starch. Whisk until smooth. Add water and whisk some more. Pass the whole mixture through a sieve.

Heat a pan to low heat. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T LET THE CUSTARD START TO COOK. OTHERWISE YOU WILL END UP WITH SCRAMBLED EGGS. Add 2/3 tsp oil and the egg mixture. Stir with a spatula for 3 minutes, stirring constantly as it thickens. Add another 2/3 tsp oil and keep stirring constantly for about 5 minutes, until it forms a ball. Add the final 2/3 tsp oil and smack it constantly for 2 minutes so the oil incorporates. Remove from pan immediately. DO NOT LET IT SIT IN A HOT PAN.

