MDZS Comparative Table of Contents

Exiled Rebels (EN) Frontier Works (JP) Seven Seas (EN) Assume ExR = ZH chp count
Chapter 001【Prologue】pg 001-002 Chapter 01 復活【Resurection】 pg 010-013 Chapter 01【Reincarnation】pg 009-012
Chapter 002【Reincarnation】pg 003-006 Chapter 02 荒狂【Rampage】 pg 014-021 Chapter 02【The Intractable】pg 013-022
Chapter 003【Aggression Part 1】pg 007-013 Chapter 02 荒狂【Rampage】 pg 021-033 Chapter 02【The Intractable】pg 022-036
Chapter 004【Aggression Part 2】pg 014-017 Chapter 02 荒狂【Rampage】 pg 033-041 Chapter 02【The Intractable】pg 036-044
Chapter 005【Aggression Part 3】pg 018-023 Chapter 02 荒狂【Rampage】 pg 041-053 Chapter 02【The Intractable】pg 044-057
Chapter 006【Arrogance Part 1】pg 024-029 Chapter 03 驕傲【Arrogance】pg 054-062 Chapter 03【The Prideful】pg 059-067
Chapter 007【Arrogance Part 2】pg 030-035 Chapter 03 驕傲【Arrogance】pg 062-073 Chapter 03【The Prideful】pg 067-081
Chapter 008【Arrogance Part 3】pg 036-040 Chapter 03 驕傲【Arrogance】pg 073-081 Chapter 03【The Prideful】pg 081-090
Chapter 009【Arrogance Part 4】pg 041-047 Chapter 03 驕傲【Arrogance】pg 081-093 Chapter 03【The Prideful】pg 090-103
Chapter 010【Arrogance Part 5】pg 048-055 Chapter 03 驕傲【Arrogance】pg 093-104 Chapter 03【The Prideful】pg 103-117
Chapter 011【Refinement Part 1】pg 057-061 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 105-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt ←You are here
Chapter 012【Refinement Part 2】pg 061-065 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 013【Refinement Part 3】pg 067-071 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 014【Refinement Part 4】pg 073-077 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 015【Refinement Part 5】pg 079-083 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 016【Refinement Part 6】pg 085-089 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 017【Refinement Part 7】pg 091-095 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 018【Refinement Part 8】pg 097-108 Chapter 04 雅騒【Elegance and Clamor】pg 1XX-183 Chapter 04 The Elegant Flirt
Chapter 019【Contentment Part 1】pg 110-115 Chapter 05 陽陽【Brightness】pg 184-1XX Chapter 05 The Sunny Pair
Chapter 020【Contentment Part 2】pg 117-122 Chapter 05 陽陽【Brightness】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 05 The Sunny Pair
Chapter 021【Contentment Part 3】pg 122-128 Chapter 05 陽陽【Brightness】pg 1XX-1XX Chapter 05 The Sunny Pair Chapter break half way down page 122. Wei WuXian replied, “Huh, so there’s an evil being that eats humans there?”
Chapter 022【Contentment Part 4】pg 130-133 Chapter 05 陽陽【Brightness】pg 1XX-216 Chapter 05 The Sunny Pair
Chapter 023【Malice Part 1】pg 134-139 Chapter 06 陰悪【Malevolence】pg 217-2XX Chapter 06 The Malevolent
Chapter 024【Malice Part 2】pg 139-147 Chapter 06 陰悪【Malevolence】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 06 The Malevolent Chapter break half way down page 139. Jiang Cheng added, “Lend me your dog.”
Chapter 025【Malice Part 3】pg 148-150 Chapter 06 陰悪【Malevolence】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 06 The Malevolent
Chapter 026【Malice Part 4】pg 151-155 Chapter 06 陰悪【Malevolence】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 06 The Malevolent
Chapter 027【Malice Part 5】pg 156-160 Chapter 06 陰悪【Malevolence】pg 2XX-257 Chapter 06 The Malevolent
Chapter 028【Dew Part 1】pg 162-166 Chapter 07 朝露【Morning dew】pg 258-2XX Chapter 07 The Morning Dew
Chapter 029【Dew Part 2】pg 168-171 Chapter 07 朝露【Morning dew】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 07 The Morning Dew
Chapter 030【Dew Part 3】pg 171-182 Chapter 07 朝露【Morning dew】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 07 The Morning Dew
Chapter 031【Dew Part 4】pg 184-189 Chapter 07 朝露【Morning dew】pg 2XX-2XX Chapter 07 The Morning Dew
Chapter 032【Dew Part 5】pg 191-197 Chapter 07 朝露【Morning dew】pg 2XX-316 Chapter 07 The Morning Dew
Chapter 033【Grasses Part 1】pg 199-203 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 317-3XX Chapter 08 The Stalk of Grass Part 1 I suspect 7s combined 2 parts ZH to 1 part EN
Chapter 034【Grasses Part 2】pg 204-201 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 3XX-379 Chapter 08 The Stalk of Grass Part 2
Chapter 035【Grasses Part 3】pg 210-217 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 010-XXX Chapter 08 The Stalk of Grass Part 3
Chapter 036【Grasses Part 4】pg 217-224 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX Chapter 08 The Stalk of Grass Part 4
Chapter 037【Grasses Part 5】pg 226-235 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX Chapter 08 The Stalk of Grass Part 5
Chapter 038【Grasses Part 6】pg 237-244 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX
Chapter 039【Grasses Part 7】pg 244-254 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX
Chapter 040【Grasses Part 8】pg 254-267 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX
Chapter 041【Grasses Part 9】pg 269-279 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-0XX
Chapter 042【Grasses Part 10】pg 280-288 Chapter 08 草木【Vegetation】pg 0XX-115
Chapter 043【Allure Part 1】pg 289-296 Chapter 09 佼僚 pg 116-XXX Chapter 09 The Allure
Chapter 044【Allure Part 2】pg 297-303
Chapter 045【Allure Part 3 】pg 203-315 Chapter breaks half way through page 303. For some reason, tonight, Wei WuXian felt a bit too guilty to still dare squeezing himself onto the same bed as Lan WangJi.
Chapter 046【Guile Part 1】pg 316-320 Chapter 10 狡童【Cunning Child】pg 165-274 Chapter 10 The Beguiling Boy Part 1
Chapter 047【Guile Part 2】pg 321-337 Chapter 10 The Beguiling Boy Part 2
Chapter 048【Guile Part 3】pg 337-351 Chapter 10 The Beguiling Boy Part 3
Chapter 049【Guile Part 4】pg 353-375
Chapter 050【Guile Part 5】pg 375-390 Chapter break near bottom of page 375. He kicked his saber off to the side and ran out of the field.
Chapter 051【Courage Part 1】pg 392-398 Chapter 11 絶勇 pg 275-345 Chapter 11 Supreme Courage Part 1
Chapter 052【Courage Part 2】pg 400-407 Chapter 11 Supreme Courage Part 2
Chapter 053【Courage Part 3】pg 409-415
Chapter 054【Courage Part 4】pg 417-421
Chapter 055【Courage Part 5】pg 422-432
Chapter 056【Poisons Part 1】pg 434-439 Chapter 12 三毒【Three Poisons】pg 346-383 Chapter 12 Sandu: The Three Poisons Part 1
Chapter 057【Poisons Part 2】pg 439-448 Chapter 12 三毒【Three Poisons】pg 010-051 Chapter 12 Sandu: The Three Poisons Part 2
Chapter 058【Poisons Part 3】pg 450-456
Chapter 059【Poisons Part 4】pg 458-468
Chapter 060【Poisons Part 5】pg 468-478
Chapter 061【Evil Part 1】pg 480-487 Chapter 13 邪風 pg 052-079 Chapter 13 Ill Winds
Chapter 062【Evil Part 2】pg 488-494
Chapter 063【Tenderness Part 1】pg 495-500 Chapter 14 優柔【Indecision】pg 080-139 Chapter 14 Soft Part 1
Chapter 064【Tenderness Part 2】pg 501-508 Chapter 14 Soft Part 2
Chapter 065【Tenderness Part 3】pg 508-514
Chapter 066【Tenderness Part 4】pg 514-520
Chapter 067【Tenderness Part 5】pg 520-526
Chapter 068【Tenderness Part 6】pg 526-538
Chapter 069【Departure Part 1】pg 538-552 Chapter 15 将離 pg 140-198 Chapter 15 Peony for the Soon Departed
Chapter 070【Departure Part 2】pg 553-559
Chapter 071【Departure Part 3】pg 559-568
Chapter 072【Recklessness Part 1】pg 568-580 Chapter 16 豪毅【Fortitude】 pg 199-242 Chapter 16 The Unruly Part 1
Chapter 073【Recklessness Part 2】pg 581-590 Chapter 16 The Unruly Part 2
Chapter 074【Distance Part 1】pg 591-597 Chapter 17 漢広 pg 243-285 Chapter 17 Distance Part 1
Chapter 075【Distance Part 2】pg 598-612 Chapter 17 Distance Part 2
Chapter 076【Nightfall Part 1】pg 613-623 Chapter 18 夜奔 pg 286-332 Chapter 18 Night Flight Part 1
Chapter 077【Nightfall Part 2】pg 624-630 Chapter 18 Night Flight Part 2
Chapter 078【Nightfall Part 3】pg 630-637
Chapter 079【Loyalty Part 1】pg 638-643 Chapter 19 丹心【Sincerity】 pg 333-396 Chapter 19 Core of the Truehearted Part 1
Chapter 080【Loyalty Part 2】pg 644-649 Chapter 19 丹心【Sincerity】pg 010-052 Chapter 19 Core of the Truehearted Part 2
Chapter 081【Loyalty Part 3】pg 649-655 Chapter 19 Core of the Truehearted Part 3
Chapter 082【Loyalty Part 4】pg 655-660
Chapter 083【Loyalty Part 5】pg 661-665
Chapter 084【Loyalty Part 6】pg 666-669
Chapter 085【Loyalty Part 7】pg 670-674
Chapter 086【Loyalty Part 8】pg 674-681
Chapter 087【Loyalty Part 9】pg 681-684
Chapter 088【Loyalty Part 10】pg 685-688
Chapter 089【Loyalty Part 11】pg 688-692
Chapter 090【Longing Part 1】pg 693-697 Chapter 20 寤寐【Asleep and awake】pg 053-104 Chapter 20 Day and Night Part 1
Chapter 091【Longing Part 2】pg 697-701 Chapter 20 Day and Night Part 2
Chapter 092【Longing Part 3】pg 701-704
Chapter 093【Longing Part 4】pg 704-708
Chapter 094【Longing Part 5】pg 708-712
Chapter 095【Longing Part 6】pg 712-720
Chapter 096【Longing Part 7】pg 720-723
Chapter 097【Longing Part 8】pg 723-725
Chapter 098【Hatred Part 1】pg 725-728 Chapter 21 恨生 pg 105-191 Chapter 21 Hensheng: To Hate Life Part 1
Chapter 099【Hatred Part 2】pg 728-734 Chapter 21 Hensheng: To Hate Life Part 2
Chapter 100【Hatred Part 3】pg 734-740
Chapter 101【Hatred Part 4】pg 741-744
Chapter 102【Hatred Part 5】pg 744-748
Chapter 103【Hatred Part 6】pg 748-751
Chapter 104【Hatred Part 7】pg 752-756
Chapter 105【Hatred Part 8】pg 756-761
Chapter 106【Hatred Part 9】pg 761-767
Chapter 107【Concealment Part 1】pg 768-772 Chapter 22 晦蔵 pg 192-224 Chapter 22 Hidden Edge
Chapter 108【Concealment Part 2】pg 772-776
Chapter 109【Concealment Part 3】pg 778-781
Chapter 110【Concealment Part 4】pg 781-788
Chapter 111【Wangxian Part 1】pg 788-799 Chapter 23 忘羨【Wangxian】pg 225-275 Chapter 23 Wangxian: Forgetting Envy
Chapter 112【Wangxian Part 2】pg 801-807
Chapter 113【Wangxian Part 3】pg 807-812
Chapter 114【EXTRA--Banqet Part 1】pg 812-817 EXTRA 家宴 pg 276-303 EXTRA 1 Family Banquet
Chapter 115【EXTRA--Banqet Part 2】pg 817-822
Chapter 116【EXTRA--Banqet Part 3】pg 824-827
Chapter 117【EXTRA--Incense Burner Part 1】pg 828-838 EXTRA 香炉 pg 304-351 EXTRA 2 The Incense Burner
Chapter 118【EXTRA--Villanous Friend】pg 839-848 EXTRA 悪友 pg 352-372 EXTRA 3 Villianous Friend
Chapter 119【EXTRA--Incense Burner Part 2】pg 848-861
Chapter 120【EXTRA--From Dawn to Dusk】pg 861-866 EXTRA 朝暮 pg 373-383 EXTRA 8 From Dusk til Dawn This chapter should not be numbered. ExR has it duplicated in error. It's an extra for the Taiwanese edition only.
Chapter 120【EXTRA--Intrusion Part 1】pg 867-874 EXTRA 奪門 pg 004-043 EXTRA 4 Gate Crasher
Chapter 121【EXTRA--Intrusion Part 2】pg 874-879
Chapter 122【EXTRA--Intrusion Part 3】pg 880-887
Chapter 123【EXTRA--Iron Hook Part 1】pg 887-897 EXTRA 鉄鉤 pg 044-080 EXTRA 5 The Iron Hook
Chapter 124【EXTRA--Iron Hook Part 2】pg 898-906
Chapter 125【EXTRA--Lotus Seed Pod】pg 907-923 EXTRA 蓮蓬 pg 081-111 EXTRA 6 Lotus Seeds
Chapter 126【EXTRA--Dream Come True】pg 923-931 EXTRA 雲夢 pg 111-128 EXTRA 7 Yunmeng