Rules of Engagement for SpikyHairClub


This Code of Conduct is partially adapted from/influenced by which are adapted from Sakurajima’s instance which is itself adapted from’s instance which is itself adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at The Contributor Covenant was created by Coraline Ada Ehmke in 2014 and is released under the CC BY 4.0 License.

As a SharKey server, we have adapted the general rules of to our uses and needs as outlined below. Please abide by the below and assume it all applies.

However, for more details regarding whether this is the right community for you. Please, keep reading.


This instance is intended to be a space of expression and safety for adults (defined as 21+ here) from fandom communities of all stripes, with a mild focus on JRPG, gaming, and anime culture. The vibes here are generally nerdy and we hope to evoke the feeling of your favorite early 2000s forum, the golden days of Tumblr, or your favorite sub-Reddit. However, topics of all kinds are welcome so long as you follow the rules. We hope to be a comfortable and creative hub, pub, and online club for all your fun and creative posting needs! If you're geeky, open-minded, and thoughtful, we'd like you in our corner.

Ethos, Art, Engagement, and Fandom

Age and Adult Content

Censorship and Balance

Buying and Selling

Statement on AI

Politics, Hate Speech, Heated Discussion