Using the dice

To reiterate, the point of being fast-and-loose is to minimize the math. Hit Points aren’t real. They’re based on vibes. Spell slots aren’t real. They’re based on imagination. Experience points? Fuhgeddaboudit.

Dice basics and idiosyncrasies

Dice are used sparingly. All battle actions, checks, and saving throws are determined by D20. Healing and de/buffs are determined by D12. All others (including other polyhedral dice, mood dice, story dice, or whatever other goodies you found at the game store) are all ad hoc to the player. Some example uses of idiosyncratic dice use are: D4 as a consumable item tracker and D100 or mood dice to check an audience opinion poll.

Out of Combat

Outside of combat, the DM may request you perform a skill check or a perception check. Roll a single D20 and use the following rules of thumb to gauge how successfully you perform at the task. When combat is completed, characters may heal without aid being determined by dice. DMs should scale at their discretion.

During Combat

D20 For most actions
1-5 Failure with retaliation
6-10 Failure, no retaliation
11-15 Moderate success
16-20 Major success
D12 Healing, Buffs & Debufs
1-4 Small effect
5-8 Moderate effect
9-12 Large effect