
Mahou Josei is a crack-played-straight, fast-and-loose black comedy TTRPG designed for 2-5 players. Build your own Magical Girl! Satire Late-Stage Capitalism! Go nuts! And maybe treat yo’ self once in a while. You deserve better.

This game is not necessarily safe for work or for minors. Assume Rated R for profanity and humor a little too on-the-nose. Your boss probably won’t appreciate the Kill Bill antics. If you’re not old enough to watch that film unsupervised, put this blog back where you found it, please and thanks.

While we pay homage to more traditional TTRPGs and the tropes of our favorite media, we would like to emphasize that this game is specifically designed to be more role play heavy and math light. More of the vibes of traditional TTRPGs and less of the rules.