Building your Magical Lady

About YOU

You are a 30-some-odd-year-old schmuck just trying to get by in late-stage captialism who suddenly had the magical girl genre thrust upon you when your powers woke up one day after eating some kick ass burgers. You are not necessarily a girl, per se. You can have any gender you damn well please, or even make it up for that matter. The point is you are a victim of genre conventions.


You know what you’re doing. It’s not like your Magical Girl is paying taxes. If you decide to go more the super hero route, you can pick a name for yourself in and out of magical girl conventions. Transformation sequences are optional.


Let’s be real—even the best of us is a little burnt out by the day job. While the sky’s the limit when it comes to magic, that limitation is also built entirely upon your ability to imagine what you want to do with it. “Occupation” is the primary theme around which your magic is built. What do you do at your day job? What tools do you handle there? Do you have any skills that could be transferred to solving mysteries or beating up baddies in the name of truth, justice, and getting a damn break?


While distinct from “Occupation,” this too is a theme around which your magic is built. Think of this as a looser interpretation of the character’s “Class” in a more traditional RPG. Don’t limit yourself to the traditional “bard”, “rogue”, “cleric”, etc. Grab genre by the horns and try something different, like “Overoptimistic Shōnen protagonist,” “Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon but to the left,” or “Mad scientist who forgot ethics boards were a 'thing'.”


This is how you got to where you are today. What did you do to get yourself into your current day job? Do you have any dreams, goals, or axes to grind? How are you connected to the rest the group? What are your individual motivations to be part of the local Magical Girl Union?


Magic comes in three parts: Move Set, Weapon Proficiency, and Inventory. Move Set is your general abilities and spell list, which can be subject to change at any time. Weapon Proficiency include what tools you work with that could be reimagined as weapons. This is not limited to melee combat weaponry. Improvisation does not hurt you. Inventory constitutes any additional tools of the trade that do not fall into one of the above categories, and any items you pick up along the way.